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As the 2024 European Parliament elections approach, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (MASZ) emerges as a prominent figure, leading the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) as their Spitzenkandidatin. Her profile below explores her life, accomplishments, and the challenges she faces as she aims to secure a pivotal role in the future of the European Union.

Who is Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann?

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann was born on March 10, 1958, in Düsseldorf, Germany. After graduating from high school, she studied journalism, politics, and German language and literature at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), where she also earned her doctorate. Fluent in German, English, and French, she embodies the diverse and multilingual spirit of the European Union.

Strack-Zimmermann’s career spans academia, journalism, and politics. She worked for over 20 years as an independent publishing representative for the youth book publisher Tessloff before venturing into politics.

Interesting Facts About Her Life

  • As a child, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann aspired to be a radio presenter.
  • She has been riding motorcycles since she was 15 years old, and her motorcycle’s name is Mausi. 
  • In 2023, she co-initiated a cross-party group promoting feminist foreign policy in Germany, alongside Michelle Müntefering and Agnieszka Brugger.
  • During the 2024 carnival season, she delivered a satirical speech at the “Order against Animal Seriousness” award ceremony, mocking CDU leader Friedrich Merz, while dressed as the Evil Queen from Snow White. This speech led to demands from the CDU for an apology.
  • Shortly after the Russian invasion in 2022, she visited Ukraine along with the chairs of the Bundestag’s foreign relations and European affairs committees, showing her commitment to international solidarity and support.

Career highlights and political milestones

Strack-Zimmermann’s political journey began with her involvement in local politics in Düsseldorf, where she served as Deputy Mayor from 2008 to 2014. Her leadership and advocacy for liberal policies propelled her to national prominence, leading to her election to the Bundestag in 2017.

In the Bundestag, she has been a vocal member of the Free Democratic Party (FDP), contributing significantly to defence and security policy discussions. As the FDP’s defence spokesperson, she has emphasised the importance of European defence cooperation and a robust security strategy.

Her career in the Bundestag is marked by her strong advocacy for modernization and technological advancements in the German military. She has consistently called for increased defence spending and has been a proponent of closer European defence integration. Her efforts have not only enhanced Germany’s defence capabilities but have also contributed to broader discussions on EU security policy.

In 2013, Strack-Zimmermann was elected Deputy Federal Chairwoman of the FDP, a role she held until 2019. Her tenure saw her influence expand within the party, eventually leading to her appointment as Chair of the Defence Committee of the German Bundestag in 2021.

Securing the 2024 nomination

Strack-Zimmermann was nominated by her national party, the FDP, to become their lead candidate for the 2024 EP elections. This national endorsement set the stage for further support on the European level, as the FDP put her name forward as ALDE’s lead candidate for the European elections as well. 

Her nomination was backed by ALDE’s Co-Presidents Ilhan Kyuchyuk and Timmy Dooley, along with ten other member parties within the ALDE political family. ALDE highlighted her “strong and suitable profile” to convey their liberal message in the European campaign.

A formal voting procedure to confirm Strack-Zimmermann as ALDE’s lead candidate took place on March 20th at the ALDE Party Extraordinary Congress, and she was then presented to the press at the Renew Europe Now Platform campaign kick-off event on the same day.

Strack-Zimmermann, however, is not the sole lead candidate for the European liberal and centrist parties. She is one of three. Alongside her, the other two lead candidates are Sandro Gozi, nominated by the European Democratic Party (EDP), and Valérie Hayer, the choice of French President Macron’s Renaissance party.

Interestingly, Kaja Kallas, the Prime Minister of Estonia, was also considered for the role of ALDE’s Spitzenkandidat, but declined the offer to remain focused on her duties as PM. Kallas was thought by many to be a much better option.

Campaign strategies and voter appeal

Strack-Zimmermann’s campaign focuses on several key areas: strengthening European defence, promoting European strategic autonomy, advocating for economic liberalism, and upholding liberal democratic values and human rights.

A primary focus of her campaign is security and defence policy, with a strong emphasis on supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression. As the chair of the German parliament’s defence committee, she has earned a reputation as an outspoken critic of Russia’s war and a vocal advocate for providing more military aid to Ukraine. This solid background in defence and security reinforces ALDE’s commitment to safety and supporting Ukraine. 

Strack-Zimmermann also champions greater European strategic autonomy and resilience. She envisions promoting greater European independence and resilience in the face of increasing foreign and security policy challenges, aligning with ALDE’s goal of regaining a competitive edge for Europe.

Her economic policies centre on reducing EU bureaucracy and red tape that hinder business competitiveness. ALDE’s manifesto calls for an “EU Bureaucracy Reduction Act” to spur innovation and economic growth. As a former mayor, she has firsthand experience with issues affecting small businesses, which informs her agenda to foster entrepreneurship and support small and medium-sized enterprises.

ALDE also highlights her long advocacy career on women’s rights issues, which aligns with the party’s clear track record of supporting women’s rights. Finally,  she aims to convey their liberal message during the campaign, promoting trust in EU institutions and making Europe a safe place for its citizens.

Main challenges and controversies

​​Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann faces some challenges and controversies that could impact her campaign. One significant challenge is raising her profile beyond Germany, as she is relatively unknown in Brussels despite being recognised and outspoken in her home country. Additionally, as one of three lead candidates for the European liberals, unifying these distinct liberal visions could prove difficult not just for her, but for all three, especially given how the liberals are losing support compared to 2019. Doubts over liberal unity and perceptions of divisions or power struggles within the Renew Europe alliance are increasing since the announcement of the Dutch liberal VVD that they will be forming a government with the far-right PVV. 

As she is still not as visible compared to other candidates, in pursuit for more visibility, her outspoken and provocative style might provoke backlash during the campaign. The notion of her being a “Plan B” candidate, as ALDE initially considered other candidates like Estonia’s PM Kaja Kallas before settling on her, is also a bit unfavourable. Lastly, while her focus on defence resonates amid the Ukraine war, some may view it as overshadowing other key liberal economic and voter priorities.

The road ahead: 2024 elections outlook

Renew Europe’s internal dynamics and divisions, marked by individualism and varied priorities, could become a double-edged sword for European liberals and centrists. Their diverse coalition allows for flexibility, but it also poses the risk of deeper divisions in an already complicated political landscape. As the far-right and Eurosceptic groups gain ground, the liberals must navigate these challenges carefully to maintain their influence and drive their agenda forward, by carefully selecting alliances and policy priorities.

Strack-Zimmermann’s focus on defence and support for Ukraine, while a bold approach, diverges from traditional liberal priorities. This strategy could resonate with voters concerned about security, but it also risks alienating those who prioritise other liberal issues. Balancing this focus with the diverse needs of the liberal voter base will be critical.

As the 2024 European Parliament elections approach, MASZ and Renew Europe face a crucial test. Despite the alliance potentially losing seats, they could play a pivotal kingmaker role in the new parliament. Strack-Zimmermann’s future roles at the European level, whether in the European Parliament or as a commissioner, remain uncertain.

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