Key takeaways:

  • Outgoing centrist government coalition (DP, LSAP, Greens) will likely return to power, with the Socialist Workers’ Party as the strongest partner of the coalition 
  • PM Xavier Bettel remains the most popular candidate, but the Democratic Party is losing ground. A change of Prime Minister shouldn’t be ruled out.
  • Following a resounding victory in the recent local elections, CSV remains the strongest party, but is unlikely to be in government.
  • Housing is the most pertinent issue amongst Luxembourg’s voters

In 2023 Luxembourg’s political scene takes centre stage, with the nation preparing for the general election on October 8. Just months earlier, the Christian Social Party (PCS/CSV) won a resounding victory in the communal elections, taking hold of Luxembourg’s 56 largest municipalities. 

But a general election is nothing like a communal race. The stakes are different, the landscape is more complex, and the coalition negotiation between the main players is what ultimately matters when forming a government and choosing the Prime Minister. Let’s take a deep dive into the fascinating world of Luxembourgish politics.

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