Spoiler alert: fake news and disinformation pose a significant threat to the democratic fabric of societies. In Europe, we are seeing the rise of media outlets affiliated with extreme right-wing parties that have harnessed disinformation as a potent weapon to manipulate public opinion and erode trust in institutions.

Disinformation campaigns orchestrated by extreme right-wing media outlets exploit existing societal divisions, amplify prejudices, and create echo chambers reinforcing their warped narratives. The result is a distorted public discourse that erodes the foundations of informed decision-making central to democracy. These disinformation campaigns also promote a climate of mistrust and polarisation, both of which undermine democratic functioning. To effectively counter this malign influence, political parties must recognise the legal domain as a decisive arena, where truth can be upheld and the perpetrators of falsehoods can be held accountable.

Fighting fakes news with defamation lawsuits

Defamation lawsuits provide a compelling and legitimate means for political parties to combat the dissemination of fake news. By taking legal action, parties challenge the credibility of disinformation and signal their commitment to upholding truth and integrity. Such actions convey that deliberate attempts to deceive the public will not go unchallenged. This serves as a deterrent to media outlets and individuals who seek to profit from sensationalism and manipulation at the expense of democratic discourse.

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