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We provide you with insights and best practices from all democratic parties - from center left to center right. Because we are not focusing on ideological battles, but we want political parties to function better.
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We look beyond national borders and party families and cover all levels of politics - from the local to the European level. In our reporting, we therefore adopt a European perspective that has not existed until now.
PartyParty imparts practical knowledge from political experts for political professionals on all levels. Our coverage offers hands-on knowledge and concrete practical tips for improved and innovative political work.
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PartyParty is an excellent new actor in the fight for democracy in Europe.”
PartyParty is an excellent new actor in the fight for democracy in Europe.”

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"Parties are often overlooked as key instruments for the healthy exercise for democracy.
PartyParty fills the gap in our space. It helps bring refreshing insiders’ perspective into the debate.”
PartyParty fills the gap in our space. It helps bring refreshing insiders’ perspective into the debate.”

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